You want to in your life would be more of luck and material well-being? You work hard every day, but the result you want and not get? Try to bring the imperial amulet – the result will not be long in coming.
The source
Imperial amulet is one of the very significant places among the variety of magical items. At the time it was made a monk in the Trinity-st Sergius for the young emperor of Russia of Peter the great. One night a man of the church in fervent prayers to make a magic talisman specially for Peter. The basis for the amulet has become the coin of the imperial. In the morning, the sacred object was assigned, the king with the words:
"From that day on, you will be unbeatable, the luck forsakes you, and the wealth will not be the end of it! Yes that God is with you!"
Since then, each of the emperors of the Romanov dynasty wore the nominal value of the imperial amulet.
The secret
The secret of the manufacture of the miraculous object, the monks managed to preserve and transmit to our days, in spite of the period of atheism during the soviet era.
The amulet is made for a particular person and will be linked to his name. The power of prayer and the experience of the ancestors of the mail in the secret miracle of the mascot.
The basis for the production of this ritual object is the coin of the imperial – that is, the coin from the times of Peter the great. The method of production of coin must necessarily be the net.
The action
If the imperial amulet to do the right thing, will definitely attract to its owner the positive cash flows, that before they passed. Witness the many testimonies of people who have already this is the only thing. Promotes:
- Get a new well paid job;
- Professional growth;
- The success in the world of business;
- Luck in financial affairs;
- The recovery of the loans.
For the proper and efficient operation of the mascot you have to follow some rules of movement with him.
The amulet is a very personal thing, so don't give it to anyone, and even better to hide away from prying eyes. These items you can give – will not have effective power.Represent a special case in that only the things that are transmitted by inheritance, even if they are subject to special treatment during the change of owner.
Treat magic friend follows with care and respect. Store in places where always clean and in order. You have to believe in his miraculous power.
Remember that your assistant has a constant need to be recharged. Therefore regularly, at least once every two weeks, pull it out and talk with him, recharge his energy. Also contact him, especially in the important moments of his life, when making important decisions, and even in moments of happiness and joy.
The best option would be, if the amulet you will take with you constantly.

Make an amulet or talisman can be by yourself, it is important that only strictly adhere to certain rules.
- Select a day for the creation of the mascot. If your main goal is to attract financial success, to make the amulet need to Wednesday. And if you want a quick take-off and lifting career success – what is the best for that day – the day of the Sun i.e. Sunday.
- Create a calm and tranquil atmosphere, which will come with the amulet. Light a candle, turn on uplifting music. Clean your thoughts of all the evil and concentrate on the good things that you want to get from this magical object. Don't worry for foreign affairs and thoughts, to imagine joyful model of success and prosperity. If the coin you wear around your neck, you need to drill a hole. But you can do less. The currency you can tie the red wire or put in a small bag.
- In the night of a full moon, place a coin on a piece of red cloth on the sill of the window, under the light of the moon. And with all your soul, ask the Universe (Higher Intelligence, God) of everything that you desire the most.
- Then wrap the amulet in the fabric and put on the night under the pillow. This is necessary for the best solidarity your energy with the energy of an amulet.
- Not to mention the talisman, strangers, does not show his strength. Black power of human envy can destroy his energy.
- During the manufacturing process of the talisman or amulet, a part of your life force passes to him. But you can fill up quickly. For this you can eat a piece of dark chocolate or drink a strong tea, walking in the open air, or indulge in another very pleasant for you employment.
But better, of course, entrusted with the responsible of the process, the production of an amulet specialist. Because it is necessary not only to make an amulet, and give him a miraculous power, and this can only people with a pure soul and a sincere faith. Before referral to a specialist, it is advisable to read the testimonials of people who have used its services to avoid scams.
Believe in the magic power of imperial amulet – and you will never know need, and all of the things can only go upwards towards the success and well-being.